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found out about nekoweb. i have entered a dilemma!!!!!!!!! shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kris-scapes 1 hour ago

i think i might move over there..... could be neat

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kris-scapes 1 hour ago

although i guess it wouldn't be too hard to just. update both versions. man i dunno

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kris-scapes 44 minutes ago

i!!!!!!!! think i will end up moving!! but not now. when the site's done

literally just decided to update the new home page as it is rn..... i'll add the secrets some other time..... i'm tired brah
kris-scapes 2 hours ago

i'll probably just do the secrets when i'm done with the whole redesign. if i added everything i wanted on a page all at once i'd explode. plus it gives me more time to think up stuff

can't decide if i wanna add a music player to the site..... if i did add one that means i'll probably have to add more stuff to the home page.... fuck
OKAY SO the home page is basically done now. BUT i don't think i'll like. update it now. there's still like. secrets i wanna put in and all that jazz. plus i gotta check if everything's as i want it and i'm not doing that now because it's 12am and i'm about to collapse
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kris-scapes 22 hours ago

i literally only changed the pronouns since i just use they/them now

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doing the grid layout didn't make me want to blow my brains out this time around so here's a sneak peek of the new home page:
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i wonder if maybe i shouldn't lean so heavily on using file hosts..... guh
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kris-scapes 4 days ago

just switched the files on here to catbox

homepage progress is going steadily. i learned that you can use two background images at once and that you can animate them both. also i found a neat bit of code that lets me do tooltips so i'll be using that a lot
hmm today i will make a dingbat font for no reason

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Last updated 2 hours ago
CreatedOct 4, 2023
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idk personal art writing red