maybe i should redesign the site a bit to dust off my html skills... not looking foward to dealing with displays again though. eugh
but not right now... it's like 12am here. i think i'll just make a new font for the site instead -3-
added a bit more to this. also i've noticed that i forgot to remove the "links" section in the navigation box since i've straight up just removed the page that was linked with it. i think i'll leave it like that, though, lets people know of the "not_found" page
accepted the fact that apparently any bitmap font i use will probably always look slightly fucked up so i'm just gonna change the font now
not changing the font for the journal entries tho. too much work and i already want to kill someone after removing all of the text shadows from the home page
i made a font like a month ago so it's gonna replace the main font i've been using now
the font on my site... looks right!!! what the fuck!!!!!! not everything looks right but that's on file garden being down