Likhy’s Dark Book

2,198 updates
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bishoujo-ff 2 years ago

rip gnu social

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likho 2 years ago

Yeah. I miss it. Many people said it had a dated aesthetic even though it looked fine to me.

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bishoujo-ff 2 years ago

Dated Aesthetics means good aesthetics.

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wow i definitely gotta send this to my friend she loves this kinda stuff
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Welcome to neocities.
I don't pay attention to sports even though it is a huge topic. This site really drives the fact that sports fans have virtually no presence (or connection?) in the niches I'm in. There's no category for them lol. (Just checked that they are on neocities though.)
I had no idea the people complaining about Electron were primarily desktop programmers. I probably complained about Electron and javascript a few times before as an end user. It does make sense; if I wanted to program a desktop application just for fun, I wouldn't know which framework to choose or avoid. It would be easier for me to jump into html or leave it as a command line tool.
vas 2 years ago

In my experience, a lot aren't even desktop programmers. They're code monkeys jumping on the Electron/JS hate train for reddit upcummies while doing nothing to improve or even understand why things are as they are.

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Welcome to Neocities.
Yo. I can't agree more. "i've fallen into the academic idea that you can't write on a subject unless you have a degree in said subject. i think that's kind of a load of shit, and i need an outlet to get my thoughts out without the pressure of my writing looking 'proper' or good."
I sometimes wonder what neocities would be like if the timeline(?) feed(?) was primarily user written messages and not new follows or site updates.
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likho 2 years ago

I updated pages/index.html. I accidentlly dropped pages/index.html into my main directory once. >_>;

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedAug 13, 2020
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writing fanfiction blog programming fandom