Likhy’s Dark Book

2,225 updates
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It looks like you have an organized site. real cool blog layout too. I have trouble reading light pink text on a white background however.
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iku0hearts 2 years ago

thanks 4 the feedback! :] ill try changing the text colour

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1 like
Welcome to neocities. Hope you have an update coming up.
You look like someone with a similar set of interests. So hello.
sleepydev 2 years ago

Hi, ditto! I took a peek at your microblog script, very cool 🙌 Looking forward to reading through some of your work.

Welcome to neocities.
1 like
>100 wpm is quite impressive.
1 like
k3rn3lpanic 1 year ago

Just saw this, thank you!!!!!

I don't think I agree with your writings. But the perspective they offer is interesting.
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illuminesce 2 years ago

There's quite a few writings on a lot of different subjects. Which in particular?

1 like
likho 2 years ago

I was partly wrapping my head around "Inclusion is a Verb". I wasn't entirely sure if you were quitting as a martial arts instructor or a student. I also perceive the workplace as an inherently exclusive and nonpersonal environment.

1 like

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedAug 13, 2020
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writing fanfiction blog programming fandom