Lizzie Smithson!!!!!

4,031 updates
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Added a Ko-Fi link to my webpage, so I suppose I am now officially a businessperson. That's about all I care to do in terms of monetization of my art, tbh--you can donate if you really want to, otherwise don't worry, I'll be fine.
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Just updated a couple of my comics--I also took down some of the notices about my stance on AI, cause it seems like that whole discourse is starting to die down a bit.
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lizziesmithson 1 year ago

Added a new page to my zines list! AND...! And I added a bunch of new panels to MegaCincinnati! What a day!

lizziesmithson 1 year ago

Unimportant update. Ignore this.

lizziesmithson 1 year ago

New zines page!

Added some notes to the procgen comics on my site, to clarify some things since I think it has some overlap with the "AI art" debate. Or maybe I'm overthinking things again, lol, but it felt good to write down my thoughts on the subject.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedSep 2, 2021
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games comedy furry comic webcomic