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koshka 3 years ago

I feel that at some point, Microsoft developed a militant obsession with being as insipid and boring as possible. Nu-Office for instance, has no themes beyond "white, grey, black, and white with one dull colour tone". Outlook and nu-Windows look like they were designed by a pathologically unimaginative toddler. I miss the colourful Windows XP interface, and even moreso the creative and fun world of Windows 98 Plus!.

koshka 3 years ago

The steady encroachment of Linux and Mac into a world that was once almost entirely dominated by Windows, is just a glaring symptom of how much the Windows OS has deteriorated since the glory days of Windows 98 and XP. Windows 10 is a disgrace in every way, and I do not blame anyone for moving to Linux (Chrome OS and Mac are still worse in my book.)

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frogesay 3 years ago

I remember discovering Desktop Destroyer through JayIsGames as a kid. Maybe if you make a $5 Patreon I can pay you to rant about it while you doxx your financial details. Now these types of novelty games are dead and all we can do is circle the drain with Flash game nostalgia compilations on YouTube. When new technologies grow old and we lose the novelty of getting to experience them, so too do we lose our sovl.

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lolwut 3 years ago

Koshka, sometimes I think that the entire flat design thing was conceived as a way for UI/graphics designers to get away with being lazy and/or unskilled in their work. The current Microsoft logo looks like it was put together in five minutes; even I could replicate it in less time using nothing but MS Paint. As for Windows 10, I would sooner jump ship to Linux, and this is coming from a life-long Windows user.

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lolwut 3 years ago

Froge, nearly everything I like and care about is growing old these days. I find that I can't feel much enthusiasm for many new things, so I turn to reminiscing about the old things; even if they no longer produce any feelings of novelty, at least I have my memories of those feelings of novelty I experienced in the past, and, for now, this is enough.

frogesay 3 years ago

You could always jack off.

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koshka 3 years ago

lolwut, excellent observation. It would explain why so many programs and websites are adopting this sort of design. Probably helps that companies can save on hiring costs because even the bottom of the barrel of UI designers can create something in the style of nu-Windows. I completely relate to your feelings about everything good growing old. There's a plethora of video games from the 90s that I still adore,

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koshka 3 years ago

yet I'm lucky if I can find one new one that piques my interest for more than an hour. Even when something new comes out that genuinely enthralls me, it's inevitable an extension of an old childhood obsession of mine (Dragon Ball Super for instance.) I blame normiefication for the abysmal quality of the modern Web, modern games, and so on.

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computers 2000s nostalgia videogames