i am happy because everyone loves me

480 updates
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tumblr addiction crept up on me again but was quickly shot down when I went to the "for you" tab and it was all marxists using weirdly nationalistic language. oh neocities how i love you.
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lovecomesdown 1 week ago

Day 587 of trying to figure out the wikipedia/forum post style 'read more' thing

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lovecomesdown 1 week ago

I figured out how to do a 'read more' thing with CSS but now every single dropdown is triggered with one button. My dreams... crushed...

love the gallery! i really the minimal layout, you make it lightweight but also super orginal. love the font too. excited to see more pages go up :)
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Today it snowed tons along the Texas coast. We haven't had this much snow since 1960. My office job expected me to work but I was too amazed by it all and I just wandered around for hours. Maybe they'll fire me. My quarterlife crisis is in full swing and I don't care!
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David Lynch died today :(
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my site still sucks. i'm having trouble picking out a theme and i'm not sure how i want to organize my image galleries. also it's STILL UGLY. Happy 2025 btw!
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girl I'm so sorry I followed and then unfollowed becausr I just saw the y2k theme I didn't know you had a porn site!! keep killing it tho you're bringing a very social vibe to neocities that we need
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krystalspalace 4 months ago

lol dw abt it!!!!! tyyy!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 3, 2024
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art archiving diary