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dann 2 months ago

I keep toying around with my micro article section. For the big ones, I just duplicate the .html file and edit. Sure, they won't share the same layout if I ever did a re-design, but I'm okay with leaving timecapsules if that ever happens. I do create a JS array that's shared, which provides titles/dates/ID/description, and I can reference that from anywhere.

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dann 2 months ago

But the small ones where I want to just update quickly: I create a ##.txt for the write-up, and ##.jpg for the thumbnail, and then call them via AJAX on one page based on a similar JS array that has the IDs for each. In theory, it's less work, but I still feel like it's a chore to create a new one. Half the time, I want to just open up the .html file and append a new article before the last.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedNov 11, 2023
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