okay UPDATE RECAP i finally uploaded my otgw shrine so check that out https://clouded.neocities.org/love/otgw/ - and i also made a little heartstopper wallpaper maker to dip my toes into js (and mayyyybe also because i'm obsessed with nick and charlie) try it out here https://clouded.neocities.org/love/otgw/
this update was a little rustique if you know what i mean... i'll fix any errors in the next days hehe
lovely tribute :-)!! otgw is one of my favorites too, it's such a well composed show
(tentatively) it may come around next week but i don't really trust my brain to actually stick to some sort of schedule for working on clouded ๐ญ it's def in the works tho i just need to finish writing some stuff and it'll be done so that's nice
i finally made a decent about page 'cause i'm procrastinating on studying -> https://clouded.neocities.org/about/