i was glad to read your review of monstrilio! it makes me want to actually read the copy i have had sitting on my kindle on loan from the library (on airplane mode) for months lol T_T when i read your thoughts on it initially i was like oh no did i give my friend the worst book ever but im glad you still liked it LMAOO
also if you hadn't liked it i would not have held it against you! i just would have felt a little bad
PLS noooo i loved it!! it was honestly really cool-- i just couldn't stand magos LMAOO. there are definitely some flaws (which also makes sense as this is his first novel), but i liked it a lot overall :]]
Thankyou!! Your site looks awesome too! There's so much interesting things to find and see i liikkee
my mom loves the gates!! She showed me all the photos she took of them during the last couple years she was living in new york before they moved and had me :)
ahhh yess i loved learning abt them sm !! that's what my most recent muse poem is abt :]]