i've actually had the same thought after looking at my site through other ends, but yesterday i spent some time looking at how navigation tabs work. i messed around with it months before and kind of figured it out, so i might just replace my iframes with that
@sunfishdreamworld can you elaborate on navigation tabs... do they use PHP injects?
saw you talking about topology on scrolling, coincidentally wolfram mathematica has a really good section on it https://mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/Topology.html
Thank you for that notes site! I have found Wolfram mathematica useful for individual topic elaborations (and it was actually their "New in MathWorld" page that inspired the Change Log page), but I see it (and have used it) as more of a reference tool than something intended for first time learners - there is no recommended or established chronology to learn topics progressively with.
@humanknowledge That’s fair. maybe the reason i found it helpful is because i referred to it in tandem with my school classes after all