1,329 updates
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I am planning to bully myself into finishing that darn blog post sometime this week - I did a ton of cool roadside stuff this past weekend and I desperately need to post about it!!!
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I GOT TO MEET ONE OF MY NEOCITIES MOOTS THIS WEEKEND!!! I rode so many coasters and had so much fun. Excited to finally get around to making a new blog post for y'all!
rollercoaster 1 year ago

IT WAS SO GOOD TO MEET YOU !!!!! Can't wait to see you again !!

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i like this site
midwaymothman 1 year ago

Thank you so much! I'd really love to work on it some more soon.

Guess who got a LIBRARY CARD! I'm currently at my local branch and coding my site on one of their computers :} Let's hope this helps with my productivity!
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I really love your art page! Did you use a specific script for it? I'm struggling with mine! :(
shaunthesheep 2 years ago

this tutorial was super helpful for me when i was making it: i just added more images to each column and to the slideshow

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedNov 6, 2022
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personal homepage artist furry webcore