The Moon Room Gallery

2,413 updates
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moon-room 19 hours ago

Added two new characters; Jack and Brody. Which means we've now got every member of Cosmo's band in the character section

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moon-room 3 days ago

Ever wondered what my more musically inclined OCs sound like when they sing? I've included links for some decent voice matches to the "Fun Fact" sections for Cosmo, Darcy, and Hyde

moon-room 1 week ago

Fixed a typo on the Q&A page and added my showroom code for ACNH in the "About Me" section for those who are interested

moon-room 2 weeks ago

Screw it, Animal Crossing Creator Code in the "About Me" section and the addition of two new questions on the Q&A page (along with some cute little multi colored graphics in the corners)

moon-room 2 weeks ago

Like what I did with new art uploads, new Q&A questions will be accompanied with a "New" button so you don't have to scroll through and try to remember what was there before the latest update

Made some small edits to the Q&A page, including adding links to the one game and three youtubers that were mentioned
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moon-room 2 weeks ago

Added a Q&A page to celebrate a year on neocities

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moon-room 3 weeks ago

Some minor edits were made to the dog dads bio

My site is very quickly reaching the same amount of views that I have over on my old Deviant Art page and I don't know how to feel about that. Ten years to slowly get 21,000+ views over there and it took a fraction of that time to see those numbers on Neocities. Granted, some of this views were probably from bots, but still! The reality of it is very ?!? for me
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moon-room 1 month ago

Added the dog dads to the bio page. I also did something I should have done a long time ago and added a little "new" icon, which will now be popping up next to any new images I upload

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moon-room 1 month ago

This should hopefully make things a bit easier whenever I announce that I add new stuff to a page. Instead of doing some kind of a "Where's Waldo/Wally" hunt, now you can scroll down and quickly see what the new stuff is

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moon-room 1 month ago

Updated Seth's bio image and added some new stuff to the "Related Art" page

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Last updated 1 hour ago
CreatedFeb 22, 2024
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art videogames baking music books