BadGraph1csGhost's Website

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Ah, I'm just now noticing your "Establishing an online support network" post. Consider me absolutely delighted. Perhaps I'm a little vain too, but I love acknowledgements of each other's, anyone's, pages-- our words and our works-- that we exist to each other. So, more than anything, thanks for the sort of "positive feedback." It's been lovely interacting with you as of late!
badgraph1csghost 1 day ago

i kept forgetting to tell you about that post! :P i kept going "i need to tell swiftred about the support network post. right after i make this change. hang on i need to add a new section. hang on i need to get something to eat. hang on what was i doing?" XD

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niicespiice 1 day ago

where is that post?

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at this point, everyone who writes about "permanent solutions" to windows 11's inherent spying tendencies sounds like "How to Swim in Shark-Infested Waters with an Open Wound and Not Be Eaten".
cargopusher 1 day ago

reading this has turned some gears to consider running linux on something other than my rasberry pi

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badgraph1csghost 1 day ago

with all my recent focus on the sims and animal crossing, i've totally forgotten about the video log...

realmofjanus 15 hours ago

Thanks a ton for this, I noticed GPT's intrusion into DDG a couple weeks ago and eager to try something else

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huh :/ federiefederi is a complete unperson. their website isn't even archived on the wayback machine. mine is. theirs isn't. (why do i care? idk academic reasons i guess.)
swiftred 2 days ago

Damn, that’s wild. I’m not sure if it’s helpful at all but I recalled this article on it It doesn’t really talk about or show how it was configured, but rather details the drama and how it came to an end

swiftred 2 days ago

Just until recently, I still had an old site update they had commented on trying to recruit me, lol

badgraph1csghost 2 days ago

mine happened here the sad bit is, i never even finished that page :P

swiftred 2 days ago

It’s interesting how the site comments stay after the profile is gone, and you can see in the thumbnail kind of what their site looked like. Just, weird and surreal lol. I want to say it felt like they were this new and upcoming thing when they’d reached out to me— maybe December of 2023? seeing them comment on really new sites. I think they had a tier system based on account size? I hardly paid any mind

swiftred 2 days ago

Anyway, when I first saw your F+F memorial it gave me a little chuckle

smokoswebzone 1 day ago

I think I must have totally missed this drama since I was only working on Neocities stuff sporadically back then. Reading up on it now, it's pretty wild someone actually thought a social media-brained scam like that would work on here.

smokoswebzone 1 day ago

I did find an article recounting the whole kerfuffle, complete with some screenshots. There's even a screenshot of what the F+F page looked like

jaidenle 1 day ago

this must of been WAYYYY before I joined neocities.... (I always thought that memorial was literal LMAO)

badgraph1csghost 1 day ago

@smokoswebzone oh, that explains the wayback machine. they basically dmca'd their own archives.... well, great post everyone (again, not sure why i thought this would be a valid use of time today but w/e)

badgraph1csghost 1 day ago

@jaidenle yeah the f+f drama happened last april. i do kinda feel sorry for them. they totally brought it on themselves, but from about nov '23-jan '24 it was fun. the memorial is literal a bit, 'cos as long as we remember f+f we wont try to commodify neocities.

badgraph1csghost 2 days ago

so much writing. so very much writing...

badgraph1csghost 3 days ago

what i said yesterday about age restricting the Fairisle family page? forget it. i changed the story enough that it doesn't need restricting anymore. (I didn't censor my own work, I decided the other direction just wasn't working)

swiftred 3 days ago

Reading your writing is delightful :) I love a lot of your word choice, and I can relate to some aspects of your transition. I really connected with the line, "There is no deadline except death, and I am not going to die soon." Definitely made a note of that. It's so optimistic and comforting if I let it be :)

badgraph1csghost 3 days ago

@swiftred TYSM!! <3333

i love your site! your taste in music is so based :3
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i think i might have insulted a few people by not putting their buttons onto my homepage... trying to fix the button backlog now, but i'm afraid the non-button backlog is hopeless :( it's too bad neocities doesn't list sites you follow in reverse chronological order. i have actually no idea WHAT order it uses...
roseverdict 3 days ago

my working theory is that it's based off of which sites have updated more or less recently, but my theory is based solely off vibes so don't quote me on that

jaidenle 3 days ago

ive been trying to figure it out all day and i still dont understand it.... and its def not sorted from updates... (from what i can tell maybe???)

mew151 3 days ago

It is based off of the "secret sauce" ranking of each site, which is calculated from stats and activity from their account.

badgraph1csghost 3 days ago

well that would explain why stuff keeps shifting positions... i don't WANT another fyp, i want a LIST. why tf does every large website feel like it needs to have some variation on "for you" in the first place?

mew151 3 days ago

The "secret sauce" is not *really* a FYP even though it sounds like it. I think it's just there to help prioritize people who have been actively updating their site and commenting. At the bottom of the ranking are sites that are dead. Idk why they had to call it "secret sauce" and not just "activity" or something. I have an outdated page on my site about how it works.

even though there isn't an index page for me to put the pink tictac on yet, the Sims 4 Fairisle Family page is 18+ only.
badgraph1csghost 4 days ago

i could put it in details i guess....? kinda getting sick of doing that but at least it's easy

badgraph1csghost 4 days ago

or....... i could change my mind entirely and edit the story so it doesn't make me so anxious anymore. which is what i did btw

Finally got your Mii Plaza message, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! It’s very helpful ^-^
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badgraph1csghost 4 days ago

the resources on other sites were starting to look a little thin... and i know you have a hacked wii now so yeah :P

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