As well as books, obviously Wings of Fire... Anyway, your shrine felt excellent to read ! I wish you only the best for your future and success in what you do
And hey, now that I can understand english properly, I am definitly going back to all the series and comics I've never watched/read because of language barrier
Thank you so much for such a heartfelt comment <3 This is exactly what I was hoping for when I wrote the shrine. I wish you the best as well!!!!
Thank you so much for your very kind and thoughtful comment! I was having a really bad day yesterday but I saw the email notification for this yesterday and it did cheer me up. It makes me really happy to know you enjoy my art (and Pepper!) and you like exploring my site. Thank you so much. ^w^
THANK YOUUU!!! it's a shame we only get one episode with Tak in it.. (love your site layout btw !!)