
3,372 updates
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im starting to not like ftp
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oerrorpage 4 days ago

ftp is for downloading files or transferring files to a server, but it is really slow and not really secure since it was made in the 90s.

oerrorpage 4 days ago

thats why i don't like it that much anymore

oerrorpage 4 days ago

and people still use it.

why did your website drown me :o
1 like
oerrorpage 3 weeks ago

clck it man

why do i think that dimden is an asshole
underwhite 4 weeks ago

bro why do you think that

oerrorpage 3 weeks ago

he was rude to me, and is now shady (and an asshole) to me

underwhite 3 weeks ago

well what did you do to make dimden an asshole to you

oerrorpage 3 weeks ago

i acted like an idiot

oerrorpage 3 weeks ago

and also his website was down for domain reasons but he just told me to fix my internet, my internet is just fine! sure it’s provided by money hungry pieces of shits (comcast) but it’s fine!

oerrorpage 3 weeks ago

he just chose a shitty registrar that barely worked last year (and im not the only one who had this problem!)

underwhite 3 weeks ago

why tf would you act like an idiot though

guys should i install lime3ds (i dont want to get a 3ds just for tomodachi life)
good website!
1 like
hi guys, i got a new laptop, thats y i couldn't post for a bit
when the fuck was beer a bad word
i might get a dell optiplex with xp either on free geek or ebay
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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedOct 12, 2023
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