1 Year anniversary! - Netscape Navigator Revival

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Happy 2nd anniversary of Netscape Navigator Revival! I will let you all know that the revised emulators are almost ready for release, I just need to correct some settings and tweak a few things and I should be able to release it very soon! :)
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i dont think this is a revival...
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netscapenavigatorrevival 8 months ago

well it used to be, until the site I hosted all my proxies on for the emulator decided to grenade my site. A new emulator is in the works.

netscapenavigatorrevival 8 months ago

dude I haven't checked that in forever due to school, I can prob add your button if I can remember which email I used for that XD

oerrorpage 8 months ago

lulz it was archived on (check spam mail)

netscapenavigatorrevival 8 months ago

I alr added your button bro, you're good :)

I finished all my finals for school today, I can work on the site again :D
miss u brudday
I'll be honest since 000webhost locked my website, I essentially lost all the emulators I had. I'm not sure how I'll proceed now that all my emulators are gone, but I'll try to find something out.
voodu 10 months ago

Sorry to hear that. Hope you can get them back somehow, and if not, good luck in the future!

I got a lil busy with school :(
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Update: It seems a glitch occurred in the new Proxy for Netscape Navigator 2.0 that caused webpages that (as far as I am aware) loaded any type of javascript to not load. This is currently being fixed.
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netscapenavigatorrevival 1 year ago

Another Update: It appears to be a problem with the servers and how they handle this data. Gonna try fixing it as soon as possible.

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Happy 1 year anniversary !!!!
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CreatedJul 25, 2022
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