
3,351 updates
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I love the funky, old Youtube/Windows XP vibe your website has. It's very zany; I love the look of it!! :>
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ovengoats 2 years ago

thanks!!!!! that means a lot ^-^!

1 like
ovengoats 2 years ago

your site rules so hard too!!!!! i love all the silly videos linked about and the colors are so chill! if you ever make a button or anything lmk id wanna link your site!

1 like
your art is so lovely!! i love the colors ^-^
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possum1827 2 years ago

aaaa thank you so much!!!! added your button to my site because i think your site is rad as hell >:D

1 like
currently making a page for linking other sites!
hi i linked your site!! its so lovely (:
1 like
hi really epic website
1 like
100 million devious attacks on your website happening now
10 million devious attacks on your website happening now
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ovengoats 2 years ago

tried to reorganize some files, abandoned that endeavor for another time. no actual changes here

ovengoats 2 years ago

actually i did change one thing, i recolored the home wizard (:

ovengoats 2 years ago

well i ended up working on the site for several hours reformatting some stuff and adding some more buttons, including a couple mutual sites! more 2 come ^_^

added a buncha crud to my about page indlucing a big ol sonic png (:

Website Stats

Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJun 23, 2022
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graphicsintensive personal aliens