"We've also mark your account as a phishing email", yes, thank you dejan.njezic@ekstrica.com, someone who is pretending to be Protonmail
The F stands for "Fortnite", but it can also stand for f as in "Press f to pay your respects"
More scam E-Mails added, 16 new E-Mails in fact (everything from ATTN Dear Beneficiary is new). Also, I added a new article to the Dark Side of The Mail about scams on Discord https://owlman.neocities.org/spam/darkside/another_day_another_discord_phishing_scam.html
Big thanks to Jopp for sending me a spam E-Mail of theirs! Fell free to send me a copy of any spam mail you get, and I'll gladly host it.
Everything from "Please Dear, I need your help to invest in your country," is new, that's 20 new E-Mails!
Everything by hq8cx6+f624aqi3ocmw8@guerrillamail.com is new, you will need to check out the index.html for a full list of E-Mails by them, as they are not all showing up on the preview
Also, also, two new things, first, I updated the CSS, if anything looks broken, please tell me, second, I saw that I messed up a link, so here is an E-Mail that was unlisted forever https://owlman.neocities.org/spam/usps_customer_support_notice_your_shipment_has_been_delayed.html
Remember, if you have any spam mail, feel free to send it my way, and I'll put it on my site! (Of cause I'll remove your address, so you don't get spammed)