"Did you get my last email??" Yes I did, you twat https://owlman.neocities.org/spam/no_subject.html
Uploaded a new version of the NeoMail archive where it doesn't look like ass, some interesting reads, also uploaded some new stuff that wasn't added before as I didn't see it in my mail inbox at the time/forgot. I don't think many people on here know about this, so now is your chance to read it!
Almost as bat-shit insane as an E-Mail Randy got a few months back from "Donald J. Trump" https://tehleroy.neocities.org/archives/junkmails/IMPORTANT.html, also, if you do a simple search of their name up online, you will find many, many sites showing countless E-Mails by the same person https://owlman.neocities.org/spam/darkside/mrs_aisha_al_qaddafi.png