lmao this spam is gold, perhaps the best yet. sucks that umar bello died though smh 😔
I was a dummy and must have gotten rid of the "OwlMan" image on my last update https://neocities.org/site/owlman?event_id=958632
So because I was silly, I didn't use the ISO 8601 date format, but I instead used my own DD/MM/YY format, but the thing is, not everyone uses said format, so I decided it was about time to fix my errors.
Only a few months late... https://owlman.neocities.org/library/midnight/57.html
hmm what does ctrl+w d-
Now is the time to press Ctrl+Shift+T!
Now I can finally link the cursed cat pr0n animation: https://joppiesaus.neocities.org/div/owlman_cat1_av1_crf31_opus64.webm