From what I find from using both HTML1 and Gopher is that they are kind of the same in a few places; both don't display images, both use raw text (excluding links), and both are outdated. But if I were to pick HTML or Gopher, well, I'm a HTML type of guy, HTML is so much better than Gopher, even in HTML2 (like being able to show images on the webpage for one). I suppose if you have a slow internet (like me), then Gop
Sorry for the lack of updates, I seem to have less and less time to myself nowadays. I still plan on doing the AMA, and I'll try and get that started on Sunday (2019-10-13)
I'm doing well, thank you. I don't think I'm going to change the way the site is ran, I'm not going to go all up-class or anything, but what I do plan on doing is an AMA, but my personal life is getting quite full right now, so I know I won't be able to do it so soon.
Take your time man. You site is good the way it is! Although I am curious on what AMA is?
IDK why it is, but the preview screenshots are wrong, but the pages itself are correct. I re-uploaded the pages as the original uploads from yesterday were wrong
Oh, sorry, I meant to write YES
even now, when you program sockets in Linux, you still see (remnants of) ARPANET, this is from something I programmed earlier: #include <arpa/inet.h> /* inet_ntop() */