Peelopaalu - Directory

1,020 updates
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Almost at 100,000 views! Wow! Thanks a lot for your kind emails and support this last year. You guys are what makes working on this site so much fun, and I can't thank you all enough for checking out Peelopaalu.
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Really awesome to see that this is still being updated. Iktf in relation to your post the other day about how wonky time seems to have been through the pandemic. Everything's kinda just turned into a blur lately. I added you to my directory ages ago and I've been meaning to drop by since then to say hi and let you know I really enjoy your site. Keep it up :-) ~ Snoop
netgraphics98 4 years ago

hey yea time is being weird but me and Logan have terrible motivation issues but i got enough to actually update stuff now so yea - Alex

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netgraphics98 4 years ago

also thanks for following the site for ages, i'm also trying to be more active here and this is my first time so hi, join the discord if you wanna talk to me or Logan with a faster response - Alex

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districts 4 years ago

thank you, and hello!! i don't really have the energy to be *super* active but there's a lot of cool sites i keep finding that mean i want to keep it updated. thank you though!!! your site is super cool, i love the link page format (just in case you couldn't tell!) so any fellow link directories are a fav of mine

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districts 4 years ago

glad to hear i'm not the only one though, days really do blur together recently. i'm hoping that life can get a bit more structured again soon though! it'd be nice to notice the passage of time again

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peelopaalu 4 years ago

I know the feeling man! I tend to kinda just update as I find stuff in short bursts as opposed to making daily updates. Sometimes I add 2 links per update, sometimes I add 100 links per update. It varies (like a lot!) Thanks a lot for checking Peelopaalu out! Glad you like my super unorganised formatting, and cheers for listing me on Districts! If you want a button for my site, check out my "support the site" page.

peelopaalu 4 years ago

P.S: Oh! Wanted to add - Sorry for the slow responses. I'm not the best at following threads on Neocities so I literally just saw this. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year in advance! Hopefully that passage of time comes back to us all in 2021~!

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedJul 29, 2019
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