Did at the least make me curious about how nekoweb functions, cause admittedly compared to others I like not having as active of social features? They just inherently put pressure in the back of my mind to feel bad if I've not updated in a while, which's been the case lately .;D
No chance I'll delete my site here, but I do want to want to experiment or make a mirror sometime haha!
Potentially if the website transfer is smooth enough + if the editor is a bit more streamlined to work with for my needs, I might slide over then pop a post here anytime there's a major update I've added? Will figure things out as I go cause def still want to be in touch with mutuals n neighbors that I've met here haha~
Finished archiving all of my childhood (and present day) pokemon teams from past games~ Eventually want to compile my hypothetical teams for OCs too!
Added some new indie reviews up on the site! Couple of conflicting ones for games I really wanted to like but didn't click as much, and one for a title I've really loved over the past month <33 Also added a new lil icon for marking what pages have proper content in them or not lol
I've missed working on my site helloooooo; impromptu building out a n o t her new shrine page from scratch and messing around with more new layout techniques lol. Will actually fill out some pages with text one of these days but in the meanwhile it's been nice getting back to messing with layout stuff! :P
also gonna be a shrine page that replaces the 'bookshelf' page I thought I'd try to make, cause I feel immediately more motivated by pokemon hahA
Been on a kick with adding to my virtual worlds shrine, so did a lot of typing today finally finishing one of the large sections for it! Been mildly self conscious about building out pages to be filled in later, but I definitely prefer the format still of writing when inspo strikes to and having designated places to pop things in, than trying to force writing to happen or not plan a nything ahead of time. :P
YOOOOOO oh my goodness I was a HUGE VMK enthusiast when it was up and running, it's so wonderful seeing this!! ;w; My favorite item was my bird hat and it was my pride and joy LOL ♡♡
@inkcaps HECK Y ES VMK SOLIDARITYYY. I remember loving the heck out of the bird hat as well. That and the blue castle shirt I mention in the page were some of my go-to items, but I also remember loving to mash the princess outfit with either the cowboy or haunted mansion suits a l o t hahA
@pira the princess tops + cowboy pants were such a look, I loved wearing those too!! I remember being of the blue castle shirt too... trading around for stuff was so fun! ;u;
Needed something to decompress with tonight so finally chipping away at much needed gallery uploading~ This time with all my past needlefelting work :P I need to work on how the images themselves load in but glad I finally got them up at all haha!