Just Fluffing Around

4,552 updates
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thank you for the follow! i love everything about your site (especially your purple theme) :-3 also, just added your button!
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justfluffingaround 22 hours ago

Thank you so much, hun! I'll add your button to my next update

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I’m working on a separate site for my munbonding. It’s a very different style then my scrapbook-esque site here, because it will be more text heavy so I went traditional layout. It’s looking so comfy. I just need to figure out how to fix the navbar for mobile and then I’ll push the update live!
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justfluffingaround 6 days ago

If y’all want to follow, it’s! It’s just going to be about my munbond life and a tiny bit of alterhumanity.

justfluffingaround 1 week ago

HUGE update to my resource list! I added tons of links to pretty much every single section, plus there is now a whole new subsection in "Indie Web Resources" (formerly "Web Building", but that section includes more than web building now). I still have links to sort and add, but please go check it out now!

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justfluffingaround 1 week ago

P.S. The New subsection is "Organizing, Writing, and Archiving"

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solaria 1 week ago

omg so many cool resources on your indieweb section!!! thaks for logging them :3

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firozah 1 week ago

one of the best collections of resources! thank you!

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justfluffingaround 1 week ago

Thank you guys! I do try my best to curate the best links for my list. It's my favorite part of my website after all. Still more where that comes from!

justfluffingaround 1 week ago

added some more blinkies to my "snapshot of me"; added a new booth for "games"; changed "soulbonds" to "munbonds"

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justfluffingaround 1 week ago

Representation movie page is up! It is still a WIP, but you can see some of the movies I recommend at least!

velvet-boutique 1 week ago

Glad to see you kicking around again -Velvet <3

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letslearntogether 1 week ago

Great resource lists! I need to dig through them more. Thank you so much for sharing!

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I need to tell myself it's okay to update my website with content before I have the aesthetics coded. Or otherwise I will procrastinate forever on doing anything with my website!
justfluffingaround 2 weeks ago

Removed from horror movie page: Assassination Nation; Glorious; Barbarian; Gremlins; Anna and the Apocalypse.

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justfluffingaround 2 weeks ago

Added to my horror movie page: (Comedy) Lisa Frankenstein; Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person; Your Monster; Teeth. (Supernatural) Meander; Five Nights at Freddy's; Grimcutty; The Advent Calendar; As Above so Below; The Borderlands aka Final Prayer; The Babadook; The Black Phone; The Lost Boys; Good Manners. (Mundane) Saw Movie Collection.

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goooby 2 weeks ago

its been a while, happy to see ur site again :)

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justfluffingaround 2 weeks ago

@goooby Yeah, my hyperfixations have definitely been else where, haha. Also when I want to work on my website, it's always for the content and not for the actual design part. I need to let myself just be okay with doing plain html and adding in the aesthetics later.

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justfluffingaround 2 weeks ago

And why not... Updated my Resources page too. As always sections and links that are new will have NEW beside it.

justfluffingaround 7 months ago

Finally finished adding all the links in my bookmarks to their different sections. Everything that's been added will have NEW after it and sections will have NEW before it.

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justfluffingaround 7 months ago

Added a whole bunch of games to my Resources page and organized them better with different sections. I have a few more links to add to the other sections, but I'll do that later.

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your website... wows... me. I'm ASTOUNED BY THE PURPLY PURPLE! please add my turqoise colored bottan to your butten wall.......

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 5, 2021
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