Dread Page 6! Finally back to this one. Let's see if we can't take it all the way to the end before going back to Preternatural.
Preternatural Page 26. It's not an update really, but a little intermission to sit on and maybe ponder. Next week, Dread.
This is something like the end of Act One. Next week there will be a bonus update with a little something like an interlude. I want to work on 'Act Two' a fair amount before I start posting it, so Preternatural will go on a hiatus. But the site won't; fortnightly updates will continue. That means two more regular updates in October, so this seems as good a time as any to pick Dread back up.
Preternatural Page 23! A little bit late, but pretend you didn't notice. (Also, wow, I hope the new thumbnails aren't going to stay broken this week, too.)
Oh well there the thumbnails are, but also the update to a/22.html didn't take so now that's hogging center stage. Great.
Preternatural Page 22! Another bonus update, because I think the pacing was calling for that. Things can probably slow back down a bit now, though.
Preternatural Page 20! Bonus update, because I couldn't sit on this one.
This wasn't quite what I had planned for today, but I think it fits the season. And hey, being a bye and a double update at once is something, isn't it? Check out Ear Rat Mag you haven't, it's really such a lot of fun.
Also, watch out for tomorrow. That's a tradition a little dearer to me than strictly managing the fortnightly serial updates.
spooky day, spooky day