Puppies World

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What's the last horror movie you guys have watched? I wanna add more to my list...
puppiesworld 6 years ago

The last one I saw was Event Horizon. It's basically Hellraiser but in ~SPACE~.

39friend 6 years ago

"A Quiet Place". its not technically a horror movie but instead a drama/thriller movie. i found it pretty scary though (im weak)

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puppiesworld 6 years ago

Oh I liked that movie!! I personally didn't find it scary (im stronk), but I really enjoyed the concept and directing.

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39friend 6 years ago

yeah me too! it was a good movie tbh

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punchy 6 years ago

I watched Apostle. I liked it (was gory tho)

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puppiesworld 6 years ago

@punchy I have not heard of that one! I'll definitely check it out!

yudosai 6 years ago

Does "Get Out" count? It wasn't really a horror movie but they like to bill it as such.

puppiesworld 6 years ago

@yudosai ((sorry I didnt see this! i wish theyd give notifications for replies)) Oh ya! I think it kinda counts! I have yet to watch it though orz

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CreatedOct 14, 2018
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