QBMikeHawk - QuickBASIC Lunacies

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Looking at the screenshots in your articles of DOS games, I recommend watching this video on DOS aspect ratio and non-square pixels:
qbmikehawk 3 years ago

I'm aware of the non-square pixel issue. The thing is most people use DOSBox nowadays and I don't think it emulates non-square pixels. On the other hand, I could try to enable Mode X (which is 320x240 and has square pixels,) but that would also require to tweak the refresh rate of the monitor, something I cannot do because I don't have the hardware available for testing.

qbmikehawk 3 years ago

My bad: DOSBox can indeed correct the aspect ratio, I had no idea.

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1034co 3 years ago

There's nothing wrong with 320x200 Mode Y anyway. I do think you should do an article on how to change the resolution of Mode Y for people who want to change to a higher resolution like 400x512 for, say, a static screen.

qbmikehawk 3 years ago

I could do that but without genuine hardware it's hard to ensure the code will run properly (I’m having SVGA flashbacks.) I picked Mode Y over X because it allows 4 full pages of video memory rather than “3 & 1/2,” requires fewer tweaks, and is guaranteed to work on any card supporting Mode 13. It’s all around easier. I think I missed the point of your 1st comment; you wanted the screenshots to be aspect-corrected?

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1034co 3 years ago

Oh, you just don't have a DOS computer of any kind to test on. I guess I do have an actual DOS computer, but it's a Toshiba Satellite 2060cds laptop. If you take screenshots in DOSBox, even with aspect=true, you'll still get screenshots of the original resolution. In this case, I recommend giving DOS screenshot img tags their own class, and using CSS to ensure that the image is 120% taller than it is wide.

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CreatedDec 25, 2018
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qbasic programming videogames quickbasic dos