
460 updates
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Ohhh i have not updated in forever. My bad gang. I have so much cool shit to talk about but the coding struggle and burnout is reaaaal.
I just realized you put me on your cool sites section, oh my gosh thank you sm ToT ! I'm a very amature coder, and it's so cool to find community in doing this sort of thing. I love your site so much, it's a big inspiration for ideas to indulge on my own. Much love !!!
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Your page is such an inspiration to me, I love how explorative and simple to navigate that it is. Thank you for being you with a silly website, it' so wonderful.
girlfreak 3 months ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH this means a lot to me........

Oh my GOODNESS You're so cool. Adore the shrines, they're so super cool. Plan to make my own MLP wishlist page because I keep seeing so many cool ones!!! Much love!!! <: 3 )~~
shwintykat 6 months ago

AAAAAA!! I don't know about cool but thank you so much, your comment made me smile so much!!!! I love your ratsona btw !! ;;w;;

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Coding Is Hard. Agh
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This blog Is like If a scrapbook was dropped into a vat of radioactive acid. Like, TMNT levels of green gooey ooze. Super super cool, much love!!! <: 3 )~
This site Is SICK!!! Much love!!!! <: 3 )~
1 like
Oghh I am very bad at coding ^^;

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedJul 30, 2023
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experimental personal art fandom