been getting super into gym class heroes lately.. i cant believe my music taste has reverted back to what it was when i was like 8.. idk if thats a good thing or not but elementary school me had good taste
Been getting more into car seat headrest lately and I like the art I've seen for the new album so far :) will probs listen if I have time when it comes out
just went through every page i could find... this site truly has the coolest artists... and now were mutuals!
"should i become an art teacher- " "NO!!!! KILL YOURSELF!!! YOU WILL DIE LONELY AND POOR!!!!!"
as someone who is an art teacher i love my job and find it super rewarding, but i would look into teaching at arts centers or private schools first before considering public schools
but yeah agreed the pay isnt great. still would rather have this job than anything else tho
The way that I see it, it is incredibly easy to focus on the miserable aspects of any job. Don't get me wrong, you should absolutely be informed of the shortcomings of everything that you are interested in. But you cannot let it consume you.
well thanks for the advice that actually makes me feel a bit better... it really sounds like the only job i'd want lol i just also want to not be broke
Don't worry u got this 👊