Toca do Rio McCloud

2,760 updates
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[2023/12/19] EN: Website revamp coming soon! ~
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[19/12/2023] PT-BR: Repaginada no site chegando em breve! ~
Your website is neat and your art is very cool! Looking forward for next updates ~
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ardents-gallery 1 year ago

Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me!

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[2023/09/29] EN: Sorry for my absence! I'm focused on a personal project, the Acervo SRB2 Brasil. I'm porting it and it might take a while for me to finish it. I won't update my website too much in the meantime, but I'll be here if you need me! My contacts are on the About Me page.
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[29/09/2023] PT-BR: Desculpem-me pela ausência! Estou focado em um projeto pessoal, o Acervo SRB2 Brasil. Estou portando ele e deverá demorar um pouco até que eu termine. Não devo atualizar muito meu site nesse meio tempo, mas estarei aqui caso precisarem! Meus contatos estão na página Sobre mim.
[2023/09/06] EN: I published a new article titled The penta boot saga on L-SAPO-1, made corrections to the website's structure and updated the Personal updates section.
[06/09/2023] PT-BR: Publiquei um novo artigo chamado A saga do penta boot no L-SAPO-1, fiz correções na estrutura do sítio e atualizei a seção Atualizações pessoais.
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EN: Oops, I was doing a test and accidentally uploaded new and updated pages. I didn't finished writing them, therefore some are incomplete and/or missing (like a new article that I haven't written in English yet). Sorry!

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedJan 26, 2023
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art linux technology furry retro