Added several new stamps and blinkies to the graphics page; also added fan buttons to the graphics page as well
Not really an actual update, just updated my "Currently" section and fixed a few small errors I noticed on some pages!
Finals and also me procrastinating a semesters worth of work is beating me at the moment, but I will prevail (for the most part I hope)
Just finished up the last of shrine updates for now! Time permitting I may add the aesthetics and theriotypes page soon as well as upload my physical zelda collection
I already took all the photos I need for my physical zelda collection page its just a matter of actually uploading all 67 images-
Updates to the Dog Company, Chicken Smoothie, and Zelda shrines! (Added a proper gallery to the image collections in them) Also added a brand new shrine, the list of every game Iโve owned/played!
Will possibly make a blog post soon but Iโve got homework due tonight so maybe tomorrow instead!
I lied oops LMAO but perhaps today or tomorrow