Shiraru's Fun House

232 updates
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Argh I don’t want to keep using discord to host my images but I gotta… maybe I will use like catbox or something… I’m a normiieeeeeeeeee I should use normie productssssssss
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shiraru 1 year ago

I am thinking about being a supporter at some point tho…

deadmall 1 year ago

images don't take up much space locally, i sort mine like this: and then when you want to call up an image, your url would be pointing to the local directory where it's stored. in my case, if i wanted to call up an 88x31 button, the url would be "Images/SIDEBTTN/shiraru.png"

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deadmall 1 year ago

file extensions seem to be case-sensitive and won't display on your site if the url points to a .PNG when it's really a .png, or vice-versa. it's quirky but definitely workable

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2023
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