Home | Shulk's Scrapbook | A Xenoblade Chronicles Fansite

6,034 updates
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love your site!! I'm on mobile so I can't see too much of it yet, but what I've seen is awesome and I'm excited to check it out on desktop! the flower paradise is one of my favorite pages I've checked out so far <3
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My pokemon fansite is now up! You can find it here:
A pokemon pinball fan!! I would also totally wear vintage pokemon pinball shirts I love that game and logged so many hours on long car rides
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orion-my-rion 1 year ago

i loooove pokemon pinball i Need to play it again. and ty for the follow!!

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I figured out how to make the sidebars update automatically on every page FINALLY - wish I would've done this before the site had 300+ pages lol. Anyway updates should be a LOT faster once I get this implemented on every page, since I won't have to spend so much time just updating navigation links anymore. You probably won't notice anything different on a user end though.
shulks-scrapbook 1 year ago

finally got new guestbook up and running and matching the styleswitcher themes! (the preview image here ^ is out of date for some reason) anyway so now you don't have to use the kind of annoying chatbox looking thing ^^ so excited to have a Real Guestbook it feels like a Real Website now lol

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMar 4, 2023
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xenoblade videogames art shulk nintendo