It's great!!! So faithful to the official style, your hard work definitely paid off. Amazing job, congratulations!
found them all! you really captured the spirit of the og books so well! looks absolutely amazing
this is amazing, there are so many little scenes to find and enjoy. Tyrantrum shopping is my favorite, but the avalugg fight ring, the frogadier struggling to climb, the gogoat eating a flower... it's all so lively, congrats, this is fantastic work
What's next?? Im gonna take a break from this site for a bit before returning back to the maps project! I have some translations of the bonus stories that Shiningforcelibrary kindly and epicly provided me which also need to be added. I also want to try my hand at retitling / adding translated text to the Find Pokemon! books... more to come! In the meanwhile, Happy Searching, Trainers :3 - Prof. Abel