Made a new post about the HG Giant Gatling! This kit ended up being a lot more interesting than I thought it would.
Also spent way too long changing the way images load on the gunpla page. Hopefully this makes a noticeable difference.
I got to say that I'm a big fan of these reviews and the format. Reminds me of surfing for gunpla reviews on the web in 1999.
Also (maybe?) fixed the stupid down-chevron not rendering properly in the navbar.
I think the shoulder tab/was a deliberate design. They probably learned from the shortcomings of the MG
In that case, that makes a lot of sense. I haven't built the Master Grade version yet, but I've seen Bandai taking a lot from their learnings on 1/100 kits and applying them to 1/144 scale kits. A great example of this is the torso support they added to the RG Tallgeese.
Added another gunpla/30 minute missions mod to the 3d prints page, and added a button to my homepage :)
Fixed a typo, nothing exciting.