956 updates
0 tips
New post :) about my adventures in substance distortion, aka, what gets unmasked when I do x thing. CW for, well, substances. Act responsibly. <3
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Updates: I have been away for a while. Don't mind me. Restored DIY HRT link, and added a project to the Maker Project page (a Makers Coin I made with a lozenge on it - my favourite shape - and a trans anarchy symbol!).
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DIY HRT page is, for the time being, going to be down. This is because of that TERF Guardian writer trying to get people to talk on DIY HRT, particularly minors. 1. Don't fucking talk to the press. 2. Don't worry, the link will be back eventually.
badgraph1csghost 7 months ago

Thx for keeping the eggs safe silver :) It'll get better yall i promise.

UPDATED MIDI ZONE: Added *good* MIDI of Octavarium. The famous keyboard solo is there, and I am so happy it is.
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Updated MIDI ZONE: Added Day of the Baphomets by The Mars Volta. Why themes aren't working for me in TuxGuitar, I don't know, but that program burns my frickin' eyeballs out
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people im following have been added to badges sidebar, as well as tip info and clarifying where my own badge is! :)
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badgraph1csghost 7 months ago

I got your badge on my homepage :3

Realized I should have a neighbours/following section. Will set up soon when i'm not running on fumes, press f to pay respects. also i dont have a favicon, this must be rectified
cassandra gemini midi added to MIDI ZONE!!!, volume mixing should be ok but still maybe dont blast it at full volume lol. enjoy 32 minute long song edit: new badges added, two original ones added, total midi runtime is just over 80 minutes.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedMar 13, 2024
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personal trans queer learning