Skuggagaldur's Hideaway

203 updates
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skuggagaldur 3 years ago

uhhh heed the content warning, musings on how we as people are products of chance. brain small :)

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skuggagaldur 3 years ago

Just a blogpost about how I miss winter, mostly centred around being comfy. I go over building a kotatsu, programming, and how I've written some works and that I'm debating uploading them. Enjoy if you read it, and have a lovely day regardless. :)

skuggagaldur 3 years ago

Added a new blogpost, removed the essay on the frontpage, I guess I felt it lacked enough direction and wasn't up to scratch. I know likely no one will read the post, so I just want to put a comment saying I love you all and hope you're doing well in spite of the rough times, hopefully this sentiment gets a bit more visbility because of it.

skuggagaldur 3 years ago

Oh, also of note, I picked out how I want my site to look, at least for now. I want to start designing it to seem like a warm house on a winter's day. A really comfortable experience.

skuggagaldur 3 years ago

I hate Javascript. I hate Haskell. So I've decided to find the perfect intersection of the two in Elm. Goodbye static HTML, I'll miss you. Onto new functional and hopefully beautiful horizons.

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skuggagaldur 3 years ago

Actually getting into the meat of it now, after this post I'm going to start deleting updates which don't contain finished works etc. so I don't spam people's feeds.

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skuggagaldur 3 years ago

Moved everything to the command line and emacs, reformatted the HTML style, ran over the site with flyspell

Finished a barebones structure and layout, done in pure HTML and CSS because I fucking hate JS (and webdev in general, I'll be honest) with a fiery passion

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedApr 12, 2021
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programming games writing art literature