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solflo 2 years ago

neocities loooves bundling updates. this is feb's artlog + new petz breed (tweaked bwsh)

aw man, neocities merged this update with yesterday's. bummer. february artlog is up!
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solflo 2 years ago

updated russian blue OW, added one more size (so now they come in XS-L)

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lugaw 2 years ago

good god when the ultimate blogging hits

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solflo 2 years ago

this update has a breed download!! a little russian blue OW, it has variations and all :)

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added a prefers-color-scheme based dark mode... while i'm a big fan of dark mode i'm not sure how i feel about it... i'm looking into js toggles but i'd rather not use js in every single page so... it's complicated! ideally i'd make my dark mode more of a low-contrast theme since that's what i personally prefer, but this has its accessibility issues too...
solflo 2 years ago

i think no one really expects an amateaur webmaster (hell, webjourneyman) to cover all accessibility bases. i think that's something browsers should implement: faster and easier to access light/dark and low/high contrast toggles. i can dream

solflo 2 years ago

yeah wound up changing the dark mode to a low contrast black-on-gray scheme, at least for now

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedMar 30, 2021
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personal blog media art petz