minor update to technobiogenesis (found a story i referenced but couldn't remember the source at the time)
big and overdue housekeeping stuff, it's become so much easier with my new workflow / setup. lmk if anything breaks
target _parenting so the haunts page works better on iframes. can't believe i'd forgot that. minor fixes on tnk
ok pretty chunky update so you might wanna check my homepage. i finished the nonexistent knight analysis. posted thoughts on carmilla. this month's artlog. and a small errata to the carmilla (1989) review
analysis update! uploaded up to chapter 7/12 now, and i've actually already written ch 11-12 so there are just three to go really :3
november artlog! ^_^
also still constantly housekeeping lmao. for some reason the cli wasn't pruning properly and then deleting the redundancy broke some links etc. thank you deadlinkchecker dot com
ainda estou esperando a minha cópia de vermis II chegar... enquanto isso vc é a segunda pessoa que vejo recomendando exhalation do ted chiang em menos de 1 mes -- acho que é um sinal
não fazia ideia que deadlinkchecker existia. que BENÇÃO
vini vc PRECISA ler exhalation. sou cadelinha demais do ted chiang, ler os contos dele is not enough eu preciso implantar eles diretamente no meu cerebro