It's great that you're considering Linux but I wouldn't recommend Void as a starter distro, unless you want a challenge straight away.
Void is even more minimalist and DIY than Arch (distro that gets memed for being difficult to use). If you're just getting into Linux it's better to start with Mint, Ubuntu or Pop!_OS which have less steep learning curves.
i've used a bit of Ubuntu here and there and quite like what i've seen of it. The final push to convince me to use Linux will for sure will be windows 10's end of support in 2025. I am really not a fan of windows 11. Thanks for the advice btw!
If you like gaming without spending too much time messing with stuff, Pop!_OS is really cool. Personally I swap between Debian, Arch, Linux Mint, and Pop!_OS on my main PC whenever I feel like it.
thank u so much!!! i've been procrastinating the hell out of my resource page but once it is up it will include how i did the dragging!!!