AI Petition

201 updates
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The most recent update to the site is super important. If anyone has something to add to the points to raise section please let me know!
astrossoundhell 2 months ago

Yeah nah the questions are left unanswered. Is neocities going to have a built-in AI assistant or are we done with that for good? Is my website being scraped by Neocities? I know i can try to deter outside crawlers, but my stuff is hosted *on* Neocities, no crawling even required.

rh0mbus0fruin 2 months ago

@astrossoundhell just putting my two cents here from loosely following/catching up on the peitition page, in the reddit screenshot reply, Kyle Drake states "none of the APIs used have ever saved chat history or used it for local training and the upstream APIs explicitly state that it is not used for training on thier end either" so in the best case sceneario I don't think Neocities is planning on scrapping (cont)

rh0mbus0fruin 2 months ago

(cont) But I get the concern since that comment in particular is months old by now + I do agree a lot of the statements made from that thread are pretty vauge

astrossoundhell 2 months ago

@rh0mbus0fruin yes, i know that he said that chat logs with the ai assistant are not being saved and trained on - i don't have a care in the world about it. What i care about is, for instnace, my logic circuit simulator that is on my website, which took months of development and has tons of code, not being used to train anything. And this was not addressed.

rh0mbus0fruin 2 months ago

@astrossoundhell ahhh I see that is understandable, I apologize for misreading, I do think that should be questioned and addressed more clearly at least

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transferns 2 months ago

All I have is that he only very briefly touched on the environmental impact of AI in his post. So that is to say he never even acknowledged the water usage associated with AI.

transferns 2 months ago

And like others said, it seems that Penelope won't be removed from the source code and may even become active soon? I don't care if he doesn't ban people for using AI but outright hosting AI hidden in the code, whether optional or not, is not ok with me.

badgraph1csghost 2 months ago

the most troubling thing imo is that trump wants all american internet traffic training AI. he doesn't understand a word of it, he just thinks it'll make him rich somehow. OpenAI is going private very soon (timetable unknown) and KD's "tinfoil hat crazy" comment in light of this is VERY telling. it sounds like he's building himself a backdoor to effect a quick exit from.

badgraph1csghost 2 months ago

like, i'll reserve my final judgment about this for when the "all american internet traffic must train AI" act is passed, simply because neocities is the LEAST problematic of all the free webhosts. but i'll reiterate that the only place we can feasibly run to get away from AI is gopherspace.

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It has been sent, now it's time to wait
ai-petition 2 months ago

while I wait, I will be mirroring sites

The petition has come to a end, we got a total of 196 valid signatures. Again, big shout out to everybody that spread the word. None of this would be possible without the people and support! If my account ends up banned over this then here is a mirror, make sure to bookmark it
ai-petition 2 months ago

I also made a forum site recently so I have thrown a board about this topic on it, it is a place off platform for us to talk about it.

badgraph1csghost 2 months ago

if kd decides to go full on mullenweg, probably everyone who signed will get banned...

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astrossoundhell 2 months ago

Aye, it's probably a good idea to back your site up in case you don't have a local working copy by going to the website editor dashboard and locating the "download entire site" option at the page bottom.

transferns 2 months ago

i highly doubt that would happen but it's smart to have a backup regardless

lapistoria 2 months ago

i have faith that there will be no bans over this, thank you for organizing this petition

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ai-petition 2 months ago

Better safe then sorry in moments like these

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ai-petition 2 months ago

And no problem, thanks for participating!

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ai-petition 2 months ago

We are so close to 200 signatures, hopefully we hit that before the petition closes tonight

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Today is the last day to sign the petition! Before I go to sleep tonight I'm going to close the petition, on sunday or monday I will send the signatures to Kyle Drake.
10 days left on the petition! I asked about extending the time in the past but the consensus was that the date set was too long out, what do you all think about extending it out until the 18th of next month?
lapistoria 2 months ago

I think the current end date is still fine

badgraph1csghost 2 months ago

Considering what meta is going to be doing to facebook and instagram in about a week, i think this is still the best time.


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CreatedOct 22, 2024
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