Warnings | The Barne

356 updates
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MUTUAL JUMPSCARE?? Wasn't expecting you to pop up on the recommended ahaha. Hi!!
I'm in love with the navbar buttons being themed after paper. I dunno, it's just so cute! The Sweethearts characters seem really nice, too.
fwonsh 1 month ago

Thank you!!! Likewise, I love your site WIP— the navbar designs on yours (especially the planets!) are super cute too.

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Actually updated this for once instead of just saying I will. It's only an entry page but it's something!! We'll see if I remember to post the other pages haha. Also, this site has existed for almost a year?? Sheesh. New year means the site gets a fresh coat of paint. I like this version a lot more compared to the 'change it later' vibe I had with the original.
I have to relearn everything sdkjbfsdjbfeskgfsufyu I forgot it all
I forgot I had this lol. Time to try and get back into it because it was fun. I just need to figure out how layouts work

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedFeb 12, 2024
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