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elilenti 3 weeks ago

reading through this site: helped me understand the general pattern with setting up html/css, and how html/css work together. the explanations on each section are brief and easy to read. i still can't make complicated things, but i get the jist of html/css.

elilenti 3 weeks ago

it's more out of laziness that i can't do more complicated stuff with my site. i kinda figured out coding isn't for me while building my site. doesn't really hold my interest, in the end.

the-woods 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the resource! The 'examples' section specifically looks super handy! Believe it or not I'm actually pretty good at HTML/CSS but what I struggle with is getting bogged down in details without having any idea of the larger picture. So I spend tons of time trying to like, perfectly position one image, but meanwhile my navigation is broken because I didn't plan for it at all. 😅

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedAug 2, 2024
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