therealman's Home Page

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Your guestbook is not working... I would like to talk about joining the Webring but before I would like to know your thoughts about automating it so you don't have to do so much work. Shoot me an email message thought my contact page. Thanks!
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billsworld 5 years ago

Send it again... use this page please -->

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therealman 5 years ago

Resent. Let me know if it doesn't work again.

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billsworld 5 years ago

The form works I've tested it on a variety of platforms from many different machines. The PHP is solid. You do, however have to fill it out with a name, properly formed email address, and include a message. then you have to click the send email button. you should see a pop-up that tells you the message was sent. The email while properly formed doesn't have to be valid, though it helps if it is so I can reply

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billsworld 5 years ago

And no, I haven't received an email from you yet, not even in the spam folder... I'm baffled because all the tests I've done this morning worked fine.

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therealman 5 years ago

Huh... Yeah, I did fill the form out with a name, my e-mail address, and my message. I even sent it twice just to be sure. Could you send me an e-mail at , just to be sure?

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJul 20, 2016
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