I found an email response hack on someone else's site! Articles now have an easy email response link and your user agent will handle the rest.
Not a content update. This provides size attributes to some images so that the viewport doesn't change size when they load.
If you can see this update, then this site is rendered and uploaded entirely within emacs.
Nice article on Rem. Tbh I didn't like Re:Zero enough to care about Rem one way or the other but clearly the author's heart is in the right place unlike some of the gender politics critics. As for westworld I didn't even watch it cause I have given up on new western entertainment.
We're remodern now bois. Check out the new review and have fun with the new design https://vas.neocities.org/mushoku_tensei_review.html
no updates. I refactored the site generation logic and now the entire site is defined by a single xml file
round 2: performed an optimisation by inlnining small assets (<16kb). this time from load to first render from 1s to 0.2s (80% DROP!!!!)
In my experience, a lot aren't even desktop programmers. They're code monkeys jumping on the Electron/JS hate train for reddit upcummies while doing nothing to improve or even understand why things are as they are.