
814 updates
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qué lindo sitio! <3
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klaex 2 years ago

muchas gracias :) me gustan mucho los patrones que tienen tus dibujos!

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veir 2 years ago

II artwork up NOW!!

Beautiful works!
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veir 2 years ago

thank you!!! i love your website a lot too < 3

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i know i keep talking but all these processes im going through to make things are so exciting and emotional, i still have so much to do but i want to show it so much...
veir 2 years ago

also im hoping i can exhibit soon somewhere so finally !

stupid me; thought i had followed your page before now
veir 2 years ago

no problem!!! thank you for the support!!

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tinypaws 2 years ago

Youre very welcome :D

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hello thank u all for the influx of support these past days i feel very very happy and thankful & am currently in a very tedious violent process to create new material that will soon* be up in here (*many months and maybe a year x)
Thankya for the follow! i love the fuzzy-posterness of your page :D
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veir 2 years ago

i didn't know what those were but aaa thats so sweet <3

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tinypaws 2 years ago

I loved to color them when i was growing up. my mom even got several for herself and would put them up on the wall like actual paintings or something we did if we liked them enough when finished

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NOOO the cutest paws...i love them...
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thank you all so much for 4000 views 💜💜💜💜 im always trying my best to make this bloom...theres many more things coming up and i want to live all of them so intensely...
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veir 2 years ago

but thank you all so so much for every sign of support, it means so so much to me...this project is so much to me and i appreciate anyone who helps with it in any way

veir 2 years ago

Here they are...<3

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedAug 24, 2018
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music paranormal fashion painting illustration