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Does anyone happen to know if there's a way to disable that one script that has a little cat following your cursor? It's on a lot of indie websites, and while it's cute I find it incredibly distracting while I'm trying to read pages. Maybe using Ublock or some kind of userscript? Thanks in advance if anyone knows anything!
owlroost 10 months ago

I know the cat is webneko, so blocking that script with uBlock should work.

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sanguineroyal 10 months ago

idk if this is really all that helpful but ive always just inspected people's code and edited the code so the cat's javascript isn't there :,)

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shinyexe 10 months ago

i don't normally use noscript, but i tested it and it automatically blocks the cat script!

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whiona 10 months ago

Thanks all!

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Delighted to see you here on Neocities! I love your games.
Cute site! I look forward to seeing your OCs :)
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symliadoo 10 months ago

thank you!! :D <3

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feeling very much like that gif of donald glover with the pizza boxes tonight
New blog post: Discord is not an "everything app"
whiona 10 months ago

Also, hi! Sorry for the radio silence these past couple of weeks. Stardew 1.6 happened.

pixelglade 10 months ago

I agree 100%. It's really frustrating to keep track of information on Discord when a lot of the information could be hosted on a website instead.

pencilvoid 10 months ago

There was once a Discord server for a Minecraft mod which I was in, and it contained a gallery where users could share content they made for the mod in question (an avatar customisation mod). Some time last year, the owner went rogue and deleted the server. If I had to guess I'd say about two years of art and memories disappeared at the press of a button. Discord servers were never meant to be permanent.

qrunchysnaq 10 months ago

This is a really good post. I agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately though, esp in the case of FFXIV mods, I think people are actively avoiding a truly public option. It seems that people want some ability to moderate who accesses their information, even if they don't actively do so. I'm not entirely sure why this is, other than one mod creator I know of getting harassed off of the main modding sites by transphobes.

whiona 10 months ago

Adequate moderation is definitely necessary to ensure that public online spaces remain safe enough for people to want to be there!

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fh102 10 months ago

I liked reading your post a ton! I didn't even know Discord was adding ads (or, as they call it, Quests, bleh). I wholeheartedly agree with your stance, and it's so easy to make a website to host your information nowadays! I am definitely also going to give UpNote a looksee, it looks really good!

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New site section where I attempt to recreate my shitty childhood web pages from memory! Enjoy?
mothsbee 11 months ago

ohh my god that is precious

whiona 11 months ago

Making this was maybe slightly healing to my inner child if I'm being honest. Can't wait to recreate some of my equally awful Tokyo Mew Mew pages!

nonkiru 11 months ago

OHH this is so cute ;_; <3 (it really inspires me to grab some of my childhood art and to put it on my site!!)

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fh102 11 months ago

wait this is so sick!

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pixelglade 11 months ago

The Torchic one is SO nostalgic to me, please keep making these. I love them

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silverheart 11 months ago

feel free to disregard this comment if this is a problem you wanted to solve yourself. but since i saw your menus were giving you trouble, you can add tabindex="0" to your .dropdown class items and then '.dropdown:focus .dropdown-content' and '.dropdown:focus-within .dropdown-content' as additions to the dropdown:hover menu activation. that should work with keyboard! it worked in my firefox dev tools, anyway.

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silverheart 11 months ago

tabindex is an attribute that is added in the html itself, while the other two things are for the css. (maybe you figured that out or knew that already, just saying just in case.)

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whiona 11 months ago

Thank you so much!! I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. I will try this out!

owlroost 11 months ago

And to help out, here's some info on accessibility guidelines for tabindex:

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silverheart 11 months ago

yea, and as an aside truly accessible dropdowns will make use of js to toggle an "aria-hidden" attribute to true or false based on user interaction on the menu, depending on whether it's open or not. i can't give any tips for that though, i'm sorry... my own dropdowns all just use the details element.

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whiona 11 months ago

Got it…thanks for the info! I nabbed the dropdown code from w3schools LMAO I’ve never done dropdown menus before

New blog post: Clicker and idle games I've tried
mothsbee 11 months ago

Oh this list's got some good ones. Definitely think I gonna try Chillquarium, it looks like a more chill iteration of Insaniquarium from when I was a kid :)

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whiona 11 months ago

I definitely recommend it! The art style is cute and your fishies follow your cursor when you're feeding them, so it's fun to watch the frenzy. :)

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fri11s 11 months ago

NICE. Downloading Melvor Idle to give it a go. I've been playing Clicker Heros for the last few months. Completely mindless game to fill 5 mins here and there 😄

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whiona 11 months ago

I will have to look that one up!

fh102 11 months ago

Sometimes I get bored of all of my video games (backlog included, somehow) and just end up right back on Cookie Clicker... but I'll have to give these other games a shot! Thanks for the great blog post! :D

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