HOUDINI Magazine: Culture, Art, Politics and the Unconventional

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i am looking for people who want to read my stuff and give me feedback before I post them to my site
acetaminophriends 6 days ago

What kind of feedback (like grammar?) and how much reading are we talking?

whyishoudini 6 days ago

grammar is part of it, given my platform's growth, i just feel it would be better to have a few more filters for anything that might not be the move, I can, and often am wrong, everyone is.

whyishoudini 6 days ago

currently I have one other person who helps with this, (see my about page), for this i really value women's perspectives as well

acetaminophriends 2 days ago

Sorry I forgot to respond. I was going to volunteer but my life is a bit chaotic right now so that might not be a good idea. Good luck on your endevors, though !

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Last updated 14 hours ago
CreatedFeb 18, 2022
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politics hauntology fashion horror goth