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moved a bunch of stuff around hopefully nothing's broken, I went through and tried to update all of the relative links for js and images but who's to say - certainly not me I am so sleeeeepy
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heck yeah all of the desktop icons on Theo's PC do something now! (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭ AND I have minimize and close buttons! I need to make the close buttons hide the taskbar button entirely but we're getting somewhere bayyyybeeeeeeee!! I was thinking about drawings I could do for the "My Computer" window but those will take time I'm sure
wistaria 5 months ago

updated the Recycle Bin sound to match what's about to happen storywise ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) Good thing Limbo immediately after is pretty dang peppy!

wistaria 5 months ago

oh god I must stop tinkering with p5js for today or I shall scream. I once made a terminal game with it many moons ago, and I've thought about going back to expand on that code a bit but I feel like *now* I would probably want to craft it with something else. I've been trying to avoid libraries for this site. Why? no clue, one brain cell vying for power at all times .__.

wistaria 5 months ago

went through and refactored the javascript for Theo's PC WHEW that really needed it. I lost the styling for the taskbar buttons getting clicked but I can work on that, I'm really glad to see all of the repetetive code whittled down. I need to work on the CSS a bit too, but I did add a new little tidbit in there. Inconsequential but fun. I'm very excited for diving into more about that character later :D

wistaria 5 months ago

lol I got so excited about fixing the buttons that I didn't realize I broke the desktop icon functionaly ;__; I fixed it though! I hope nothing else is broken :')

me going to click on edit site only to unfollow people because I'm not on my page orz, muscle memory you betray me - in other news I'm working on a GAME game inside of Wistaria :D
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Gosh your site is SO amazing!! I've had so much fun clicking through each of the pages, the detail in them and the way you use css effects is so cool... Haru's room was so freaky @__@ I'm excited to see how your site/story grows!!
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wistaria 5 months ago

Ahhh!! Thank you so much, I'm super excited to hear that! ;u; Your site has such a nice aesthetic and your art is so lovely~ I'm obsessed with the wardrobe page!!

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I've been drawing a bunch of various poses today for when/if I need them, just various big scenes that need to come later in the story. I also tried working on Lera's room but my idea is HELLA laggy on my browser and idk why. All the similar examples run fine orz Also just finished dnd and want to make a character site heeyyyoooo. I made an artist(??) tumblr for logging more thoughts outside of dev (herebyhalfpint)
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wistaria 5 months ago

...aaaaaaand reserved halfpint for when I eventually want to make my own personal neocities that is genuinely cute. Unless the cyberpunk brainrot takes over. which is likely. One day I'll get around to making something genuinely cute without an ounce of spooky lol but today may not be that day

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maybe I should make an about me page... .-.
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ok most of the cutesy stuff has been updated to have a "darker" vibe to it. There's one page that's meant to be briefly adorable :D
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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedAug 15, 2024
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personal horror coding retro storytelling